Assessment Calendars
The College recognises the importance of the home and school partnership in improving educational outcomes for students. We also acknowledge the benefits of parental support when it comes to managing home learning routines and the completion of summative assessment tasks. To help parents to support their children with the challenging demands of high school, we provide access to calendars for each year group which detail the dates of all summative assessment tasks for each subject. These assessment calendars can be accessed below.
Parent access to this information allows for more involvement in your child’s learning through;
the ability to have informed conversations about assessments coming up;
encouraging and supporting students to establish effective time management and organisation; and
opening the communication between the parent, teacher and student.
Please click the relevant link below to access your child’s assessment calendar.

Assessment Policies and Documentation
The following documents can be accessed on the links below:
Year 7-12 MCC Assessment Policy
Year 11 and 12 MCC and QCAA Assessment Policy (this should be read in conjunction with the Year 7-12 MCC Assessment Policy)
Application for Application Extension or Late Submission
QCAA AARA medical form (applies to Yr 11-12 students who are making a medical claim for chronic or existing conditions, illness, or misadventure)