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'Building our Future'

The Mackay Christian College Trade Training Centre (MCCTTC) offers a unique program for Year 11 & 12 students, who would like to add foundational, practical understanding and abilities to their skills set or who are pursuing a trade career. With strong industry links, experienced staff and a purpose-built facility, the MCCTTC allows students to develop their trade skills while working toward their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE).

MCCTTC has a strong focus on work readiness, providing students with industry exposure to form their career pathways and develop their employability skills. Students can achieve success in their core studies while gaining a Vocational Certificate in Engineering and the industry knowledge and skills in the applied subject, Building and Construction Skills, and/or engaging in a School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship.

Industry value work experience highly and have provided feedback that they would like to see a minimum of two work experience placements on a student’s resume over two years of senior schooling. MCCTCC provides opportunity for Trade Pathway (fulltime) students to complete a minimum of seven work experience placements during Years 11 & 12.

Industry Training Areas:

Building and Construction Skills (Applied subject)

Carpentry, Concreting, Block Laying, Wallboard Plastering, Construction Material Handling, Workplace Health & Safety in the Construction Industry.

Certificate II in Engineering Pathways (Formula Student RTO Code: 41124)

Metal Fabrication, Motor Mechanic, Fitter & Turner.

Our Goal is to see MCCTTC students making successful transitions from school to fulltime, meaningful employment or further training.

The Mackay Christian College Trade Training Centre is a purpose built 1200sqm facility all under the one roof. It includes:

  • Junior woodwork and metalwork workshops which are fully equipped and laid out to enable whole class involvement
  • A large air conditioned design room with 30 computers
  • An 800sq metre trade training workshop housing 6 digital readout lathes; 4 milling machines; 8 welding bays, including MIG, TIG and oxy welding operations; car hoist , tyre changer and balancer; 2400 hydraulic guillotine and bender and punch and shears; and a 1 tonne jib crane
  • The Construction area contains all equipment required for training in concreting through to painting

Program Structure

Trade Pathway Students

Those who are seeking to graduate from Year 12 into an Engineering or Building and Construction trade career.

MCCTTC Trade Pathway Students will, on successful completion, attain a Certificate II in Engineering Pathways. In addition to this nationally recognised qualification, MCCTTC Trade Pathway students and staff will work towards securing a future in the students preferred trade area.

Single Subject or Certificate Pathway Students

Those who are considering university entrance or another career pathway, depending on their ATAR eligibility and successful completion of the subject or certificate.

MCCTTC Single Subject Pathway Students are those who participate in the Trade Training Centre by selecting TTC as only one of their senior subjects or certificate.  Here students can develop some practical skills in the TTC while completing five other academic subjects. Students may choose to undertake either the applied subject, Building and Construction Skills or Certificate II in Engineering Pathways as one of their subject electives. Students will go to school as normal and attend the TTC in the time allocated on the time table.


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