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Learning through life, preparing for your future
The Agricultural Centre is a fully equipped, dynamic, teaching environment that offers students a wide range of learning opportunities.

Our goal is for students to:
Learn theoretical and practical aspects about agriculture to give them insight and understanding of this industry
Gain skills relevant to the agricultural industry and life
Build resilience through overcoming challenges and finding solutions
Be encouraged to enter a career in the agricultural industry

Commencing in Year 7, students gain an insight into the Australian agricultural industry with topics covered such as:
Farm safety
Overview of features of an Australian working property.
Cattle production
The importance of sustainability
Growing vegetables

Year 8 is a very hands-on year with such topics as:
Hands on experience in the safe operation of brush cutter and small engines
Machine safety and maintenance
The dairy industry with an excursion to Eungella learning firsthand milking techniques
Poultry and nutrition
The opportunity to gain an MCC Ag Centre tractor license

Year 9 provides students with:
Planning a farming enterprise
Beef cattle / animal husbandry techniques and cattle judging
Plant production
Fencing / types, techniques and practical experience

Students cover topics:
Horse husbandry
The proper and safe use of chemicals
Goat management and husbandry

Senior Agricultural Practices is an applied subject that offers a fully resourced and covers the following topics:
Land based animal production with the cattle industry as the focus
Plant industries with sugarcane as the focus industry
Animal industries with aquaculture as the focus industry
Land based plant production with the nursery industry as the focus
Excursions to agricultural enterprises provide students with opportunities to witness and experience industry best practice.
Practical projects and applied investigations are employed to gain learning through assessment into each of these industries and production systems