Creative Academy
A vibrant place to be, where ‘Every Student is a Star’.
Some years ago, we had a dream of a school within a school; a school where students, who have “creative” dreams, can reach their potential within our College environment. Where they could learn and grow to use their instrument as a “sacrifice of worship” to the Lord, thus the Creative Academy was born.
The Creative Academy is more than an instrumental program. It allows a student to learn an instrument, workshop with specialists, rehearse and perform in a wide range of ensembles and showcase their talent in a systematic approach to “Concert” programming. We believe this provides a well-rounded academic program for students who learn an instrument.
The word ‘Academy’ implies a bringing together of great minds into one location to share their specialised knowledge. This is the model that our Creative Academy is based on. We provide a range of specialists in the areas of brass, guitar, percussion, piano, speech and drama, strings, voice and woodwind. These specialists come into our College to provide their expertise uniquely for your child. This is an excellent model for your child to get the best tuition available in Mackay.
We hope that you feel a part of our Creative Academy.
Perhaps you have some special knowledge that could make our academy even greater. If you would like to get involved across a broad range of needs, please contact the College Office and leave a message for our Creative Academy Head of Faculty.
Mackay Christian College offers a limited number of Instrumental Music Scholarships as outlined below:
Our scholarship program is designed to identify students who demonstrate a strength and developing expertise in music providing them with quality Christian education and music tuition for them to progress and be challenged in a nurturing environment. Eligible applicants are students who meet the criteria as stated within the individual scholarships.

Full Instrumental Music and Academic Scholarships:
- There will be one scholarship offered each year to new students enrolling at MCC. This scholarship includes all College fees, instrumental lessons, the cost of examinations for the instrument that the student was awarded the scholarship and may include instrument hire if required. Short-listed applicants will be requested to audition
- Auditioning applicants will be asked to perform 2 contrasting pieces of music with a total duration of 5 to 8 minutes. Aural ability, sight reading and general knowledge of their chosen pieces will also be tested
- Applicants should have reached Grade 4 AMEB or equivalent
- Successful candidates will be prepared to meet the following: Perform in at least one College ensemble or as required and Choose Music as one of your elective subjects in Middle and Senior School

Half Instrumental Music and Academic Scholarships:
- There will be a maximum of two scholarships offered each year to new students enrolling at MCC. These scholarships include half College fees, half the cost of instrumental lessons, half the cost of examinations for the instrument that the student was awarded the scholarship and may include instrument hire if required. Short-listed applicants will be requested to audition
- Auditioning applicants will be asked to perform 2 contrasting pieces of music with a total duration of 3 to 5 minutes. Aural ability, sight reading and general knowledge of their chosen pieces will also be tested
- Applicants should have reached Grade 3 AMEB or equivalent
- Successful candidates will be prepared to meet the following criteria: Perform in at least one College ensemble or as required and Choose Music as one of your elective subjects in Middle and Senior School

Full / Half Instrumental Scholarships:
- There will be a maximum of eight scholarships offered to enrolling and current students. These scholarships include either half or full cost of instrumental lessons and may include instrument hire if required. Preference will be given to those applicants who would greatly benefit from being an active member of the Creative Academy at MCC but without financial assistance would be unable to participate
- Short-listed applicants may be requested to audition
- Applicants should have reached Grade 2 AMEB or equivalent
- Successful candidates will be required to perform in a College ensemble or as required

Additional notes:
The College requires that all applicants and their families support the College’s mission and ethos in full. Eligible applicants are those who are aligned with, and supportive of the College values and fulfil the requirements outlined within the individual Music Scholarships.
The College reserves the right not to offer a scholarship or scholarships in a particular year or within a specific category. Scholarships are approved for one school year and will be continued if requirements are maintained. Applications will be considered for approval by the Head of Faculty, Creative Academy, in consultation with the College Principal.

Ensembles at MCC
The Creative Academy has a wide variety of ensembles that students may choose to become a member of. These may vary according to student numbers. Each ensemble may perform at events throughout the year both within the College or out in the community. Ensembles usually rehearse once a week either before school, after school or maybe a lunch break.
All ensembles have done extremely well earning many Gold Awards in both local and International Festivals and Competitions. These have included: Mackay Eisteddfod, Mackay’s Orchestras & Bands (M.O.B.), Urban Beat (Brisbane), Music Festival in Brisbane, ‘bonyi’ International Music Festival and Rhapsody Rotorua International Music competition (New Zealand).