Enrol at our College
Step 1 – Enrol at our College
Collect, request or download your specific Enrolment Information Pack. Information Packs are available for collection from either campus reception. If you would prefer one to be sent to you, please email our Enrolment Officer or phone the College Office on 07 4963 1100 to request one. If you would like a tour of the College facilities, please contact our Enrolment Officer to organise a suitable time.
Step 2 – Complete Enrolment Documentation
After reading through our Enrolment Information Pack, if you decide you would like your child to be part of Mackay Christian College, you will need to complete the relevant Enrolment Application, Enrolment Contract, Network User Agreement, Subject Selection Form for Year 7 to 12, and gather the necessary supporting documents. Please note, an individual complete set of documents will need to be submitted for each child you would like to enrol.
Enrolment Application
Please complete and sign an application and a contract for each separate child that you would like to enrol at Mackay Christian College.
Current School Report
A copy of each child’s most recent School Report for students entering Year 1 to 12. A letter of recommendation from a Child Care Centre or Kindergarten may be used for Prep entry. The College Office will be happy to photocopy any reports for you.
Birth Certificate
A copy of each child’s Birth Certificate should be included with the enrolment application. The College Office will be happy to photocopy this for you.
Visa Details
If you are not currently an Australian Citizen, a copy of your current Visa Details showing your child as a dependent, must be included. The College Office will be happy to photocopy this for you.
Network User Agreement
A copy of the College Network User Agreement should be completed and submitted with the enrolment application for each child you are enrolling. Please ensure this form is signed by both the student and the parent, except in the case of a Prep, Year 1 or Year 2 student where the parent can ensure the student has an understanding of the College Network User Agreement Policy, the parent can explain its Rules to their child.
Subject Selection Form
For each child entering Year 7 to 12, a Subject Selection Form will need to be completed and submitted with the enrolment application. Please complete and sign a separate form for each child you would like to enrol.
Learning Support
If your child was receiving Learning Support at their previous school please include a copy of any Learning Support documents that you have available. The College Office will be happy to make photocopies of any documents for you.
Step 3 – Submit Your Application
You can drop off a completed application at either of our campus receptions:
King’s Park Campus (College Office): 9 Quarry Street, North Mackay
Providence Campus (Junior School Reception): 17 Ambrose Way, North Mackay
or you can mail your complete application to:
Attention: The Enrolment Officer
Mackay Christian College
PO Box 3215
North Mackay, Qld 4740
Step 4 – What happens next?
When the College receives your completed application, the Enrolment Officer will check for available places in the Year Level you have requested. If a place is not available, the Enrolment Officer will notify you of this and you can decide if you would like to be placed on our waiting list for notification as soon as a place becomes available. When a position has been identified for possible enrolment, the Enrolment Officer will commence the following process:
For students entering Prep
A Prep Assessment appointment will be organised. Your child will spend approximately 20 minutes interacting with one of our experienced Prep Teachers.
For students entering Year 1 to Year 6
A suitable time for our Junior School Diagnostic Reading Assessment will be organised. Your child will spend approximately 30 minutes interacting with one of our DRA Teachers. DRA is one of the indicators we use to allow us to provide the best learning environment for your child. It will also help us to identify if Mackay Christian College is able to provide for your child’s educational needs with our current staffing & resources.
Once the Prep Assessment or Junior School Testing has occurred, your child’s enrolment application will be forwarded to the Enrolment Committee. The Enrolment Officer will notify you of the decision of the Enrolment Committee as soon as possible. If your child’s enrolment application is successful, the Enrolment Officer will confirm this with you in writing. Your successful application will then be passed on to the Principal’s Assistant who will discuss a suitable time with you to attend an Enrolment Interview with the Principal or his representative.
Once this interview has taken place, your child will be able to commence their Learning Journey with Mackay Christian College.
For students entering Year 7 to Year 12
Your child’s enrolment application will be forwarded to the Enrolment Committee. The Enrolment Officer will notify you of the decision of the Enrolment Committee as soon as possible. If your child’s enrolment application is successful, the Enrolment Officer will confirm this with you in writing. Your successful application will then be passed on to the Principal’s Assistant who will discuss a suitable time with you to attend an Enrolment Interview with the Principal or his representative. Once this interview has taken place, your child will be able to commence their Learning Journey with Mackay Christian College.
Step 5 – Purchasing Uniforms & Equipment
Step 6 – Commencing the MCC Learning Journey
When your child arrives to commence their first day at Mackay Christian College, they will be met by our friendly Office Staff at either of our Campuses. Students entering Prep to Year 6 will be informed of their new class and will be directed to their classroom to meet with their new teacher and new classmates. Their new teacher will make sure they have a buddy for the day to show them around and to help them learn the rules.
Students in Year 7 to Year 12 will wait in the College Office to be greeted by the Learning Pathways Coordinator. They will discuss their timetable and for the older students, their possible career pathways and objectives. Parents are welcome to sit in on these discussions if they would like. Students will then be given a buddy for the day to ensure they find their way to their classes and to help them to become accustomed to life at MCC.

Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme (NSSTAS)
Student travel rebate applications are only open in May for Semester 1 and October for Semester 2. Please visit the School Transport website first to check if you are eligible.