Our Fees and Charges

Mackay Christian College is a non-profit organisation, the aim of which is to provide an affordable quality Christian education. All government funding and other income, is expended on improving the facilities and resources of the College, as well as in the day to day running of the school.
The College Board is committed to providing a financially accessible education by way of keeping fees as low as possible and yet to provide excellent facilities, resources and opportunities for students.

Billing Information
School fees are billed annually and are payable by the due date. Families have the option of paying annual fees up front or on a payment plan spread over a number of instalments throughout the year.

Payment Options
For full-fee-paying families, a 5% discount on Tuition Fees (only) applies when Annual Fees are fully paid by 31 March. Please contact the Business Centre at fees@mccmky.qld.edu.au or 4963 1100 for your total annual fees, less than the 5% discount.
For all other families, a payment plan must be arranged. A payment plan arranged by 31 March will attract a 1% discount on Tuition Fees. We encourage you to set up a Direct Debit from your bank account or credit card via Parent Lounge. To establish your Payment Schedule, please visit Parent Lounge, select “Accounts & Payments,” and follow the prompts.

Direct Deposit
Direct Deposit can be made using the following information:
Bank – ANZ
BSB – 014-023
Account number – 838 333 765
Reference – Please use your MCC Account Number (located on the top right hand side of your fee statement) and your surname.
Your BPay Reference code & the College’s Biller Code is on your invoice's right side.
BPAY must only be used to pay for SCHOOL FEES & LEVIES.
Any other payments (e.g., excursions, camps, Early Learning Centre fees, OSHCare fees, tickets, Senior jerseys, etc.) must be made using a different payment method.
Pay over the Phone
Fee payments can be made by calling the College Office on (07) 4963 1100.
When making a phone payment please ensure you have your MCC Account Number and credit card details ready. Your MCC Account Number can be found at the top right corner of your Fee Statement.

Automatic Direct Debit
Setting up an Automatic Direct Debit guarantees that your fees will be paid on time every time without a second thought. You can choose weekly, fortnightly, monthly or quarterly Direct Debits.
To set up a Direct Debit, please download and complete our Direct Debit Form. Alternatively Direct Debit forms can be collected from the College Office.
Pay in Person
Pay by Cash, Cheque or EFTPOS in person at either Campus Reception.
Early Learning Centre Fees and Charges

ELC Fees
Early Learning Centre is billed at $35 per day for Part time Kindy. The Long Day Care Kindy is $85 per day, open term time and school holidays. If you enrol your child into our MCC Early Learning Centre Long Day Care Kindy program you may apply to receive a Centrelink Child Care Subsidy (CCS) via your myGov account.
Fees are charged for school terms only as per the Mackay Christian College calendar (public holidays are included). Full fees are payable for absences due to family holidays, illness or days when the MCC Early Learning Centre is closed for statutory holidays. If a student identifies as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander or both they may also claim QKFS Plus Kindy Support Subsidy.

A deposit of $150 is required at the time of application to secure a possible place for your child and will be used as your registration fee. This is to be paid before applications can be processed. If your application is unsuccessful, the full deposit of $150 will be refunded to you. However, if you choose to withdraw your application, this deposit is non-refundable.

Late Fees
Pick up time for ELC children is 2:50pm. The MCC Early Learning Centre closes at 3:00pm. Long Day Care Kindy hours from 7.30am to 5.30pm including school holidays.
Regulations state that at least two staff must be at the Early Learning Centre while there are children on site and one must be the Director, Assistant Director or Teacher.
If children are collected after pick up time, late fees are charged at the rate of $1.00 per minute to cover the payment of overtime for the two staff members.
It is important that parents phone the MCC Early Learning Centre if they are going to be late. If this has not happened, the child’s emergency contact persons will be asked to collect the child.
In the event that neither parents nor emergency contact persons can be reached within half an hour the local Police department will be informed.
Family Assistance

The College policy remains that assistance will be given to anyone who needs help paying fees from time to time and that no student should be denied a quality Christian education because of financial hardship. The message that Mackay Christian College will help people if they have a financial need is a message we know is well-understood inside the College community, and we want to get that message out to the rest of Mackay. Please read about our Family Assistance below for more information.
If you find yourself in financial difficulty during the year, we invite you to complete an application form for Family Assistance.
Please get in touch with the Business Manager and College Accountant at business@mccmky.qld.edu.au, where your application request will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

Frequently asked questions
What is Family Assistance?
Family Assistance is financial help to pay the costs of education.
What level of support does MCC Family Assistance give?
This will be evaluated based on what a family can afford to contribute, as declared in the Family Assistance Application. It might be only a small percentage of the total tuition fees, or it might also be all of them.
How does someone get MCC Family Assistance?
Families will request an application form from the Business Manager or College Accountant and return it completed with supporting documentation for consideration.
Can current College families apply for MCC Family Assistance?
Yes. The College has always been prepared to help anyone with tuition fees. Existing families can also make the same request as new families via the application form. Write to, email, phone, or make an appointment to see the Accounts Manager, who will make the necessary arrangements.
How long will my family be eligible for Family Assistance?
You can apply for Family Assistance for up to 12 months. Any Family Assistance offered will be reviewed at the commencement of each school year, when you may reapply.