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Primary School - Providence Campus

Primary School

Prep - Year 6

Providence Campus is designed to provide a dynamic learning environment for all our Primary students, Prep—Year 6. Promoting curiosity and joy, the specialised facilities and beautifully landscaped grounds are specifically designed to cater to the development of our youngest students.

MCC Providence Campus offers a warm, supportive Christian community of caring teachers and staff. These educators seek to foster confidence and a love of learning in the early years of formal schooling and create pathways for students irrespective of their gifts and abilities.

We work hard to create an environment where students, teachers and parents alike feel a strong sense of connectedness to our College and each other. Our core values are embedded across the curriculum areas where we actively seek to reveal the wonder of God’s creation and His plan for us to become all He intended us to be.

Academic programs are research-based, comprising a structured and systematic reading and spelling program, software-enhanced and thoughtfully sequenced mathematics programs and inquiry-based learning approaches. Specialised learning areas, including Health & Physical Education, Cultural Arts (Visual and Media Arts, Music, Dance and Drama), STEM (Digital and Design Technologies) and Chinese (Languages for Years 5 and 6) are provided through well-considered approaches by skilled specialist teachers.

We understand that student learning is enhanced through movement and hands-on interaction, and so we employ a multi-sensory approach where possible. Students acquire information through storytelling, demonstration, problem-solving, books, resources, games, activities, and socialisation with others.

All of our classrooms are equipped with modern interactive digital screens and whiteboards for various modes of content delivery and engagement.  Information Communications Technology (ICT) skills are explicitly taught and embedded throughout learning from Prep to Year 6.  All students have access to digital devices, and various hardware and software are utilised to enhance learning and engagement.  Although we take advantage of the benefits of utilising technology for learning,  our students are also afforded plenty of opportunities to learn in a variety of different ways to develop their written work, enquiring minds and social skills.

Explicit and incidental teaching of social skills, conflict resolution strategies and behaviour in general is applied across all primary year levels, to proactively equip students to create and maintain positive relationships.

Within the primary setting, opportunities for extracurricular activities include but are not limited to, academic, sporting and chess clubs and competitions, instrumental and voice academy, stage productions, community projects and mission outreach events.

Sports and Physical Activities are very important to us here at Mackay Christian College. We have sports equipment available during lunch breaks for students wanting to stay active, in addition to the Physical Education lessons they receive throughout the week. Students have the opportunity to join a diverse list of sporting teams and competitions throughout each year, making full use of our sporting facilities and resources.

From the earliest years, a thorough foundation in literacy and numeracy is a central focus of learning experiences. Within the classroom and through support staff, student learning is scaffolded through a differentiated approach, with enrichment and extension opportunities tailored to individual needs. On-going monitoring and communication of student progress within the classroom, supplemented by the Learning Enrichment team or external support agencies where needs are identified, assists in maximising learning potential.  Where barriers to learning are identified, workable adjustments and modifications to learning programs are made in consultation with families.

Providence Campus

  • Prep – Year 6 Classrooms

  • Cultural Arts Room

  • STEM Lab

  • HPE Facilities

  • Library & Resource Centre

  • Learning Enrichment Hub

  • Ready to Learn Classroom

  • Instrumental Rooms

  • OSHCare Room

  • Tuckshop

  • Auditorium

  • Sports Oval

  • Multiple Playground Areas

Commemorate 10 Years @ Providence Campus

This year we commemorate Providence Campus as it all happened 10 years ago. We have compiled a booklet to showcase Providence Campus.

Click on the FlipBook


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